Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Poetry Book Sale/Summer Readings at Midtown Scholar

Now's the time to pick up some great poetry bargins at the Midtown Scholar. Get early Holiday gifts. There's a sale in the upstairs Poetry Nook: 20% off all poetry books! The sale runs from June 17 until June 30. And there are special upcoming poetry listening opportunities, beginning with Alyse Bensel on June 20. Her poetry has appeared in Cider Press Review, Cold Mountain Review, MAYDAY Magazine, and Word Riot. She is a regular contributor to Newpages and the Los Angeles Review, and additional work has appeared in CALYX, Colorado Review, Prairie Schooner, and Rain Taxi. In the fall of 2013, she will begin doctoral studies in creative writing. Internet Cafe at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102 Phone: 717.236.1680 Upcoming events at Midtown Scholar Poetry Thursdays: All Events are from 7-9 pm with an Open Reading from 7-8 pm followed by an 8-9 pm Feature, or continued Open. June 27 -- Feature Jack Veasey July 4 -- Holiday : No Reading July 11 -- Feature Yolanda Wisher July 18 -- Feature J. Love 'SoulCry' Kearse July 25 -- Open Reading August 1 -- Feature Gary Miller August 8 -- Feature Kenneth Walker August 15 -- Open Reading August 22 -- TBA August 29 -- Open Reading September 5 -- TBA September 12 -- Open Reading September 19 -- Feature J. C. Todd September 26 -- Feature Tony Oliveri