Let's go. Okay. I have a new version of New Rich Text Document - WordPad. So... well, first of all, I don't understand why people so often use a hyphen to denote a dash. One can easily differentiate (and, believe you me, there is a difference) by hitting hyphen twice, which magically makes it a dash. Sheeesh! do you believe in magic? Hey, you can do it-- c'mon: make some magic. Dash a few off.
Secondly speaking, at the top of the New Rich Text Document - WordPad (note the hyphen [-] as opposed to a dash [--] {just a leetle overlearning}) there is a bank, a row of pictographs & words illustrating the various functions available to New Rich Text Document - WordPad (hereafter, in this riff denoted by NRTD-WP) users. So there's four bits in a row, to right top, that say (underneath a "representative"[my quotes] picture) -- Picture, Paint drawing, Date and time, and Insert object. The Insert object visual shows, i believe, like a small barbell with one end rounded and the other end squared. There's a little implied perspective too.
I haven't clicked on it, it makes me nervous. How can one insert an object into a document? Really, I'm not trying to be clever or picky, I just don't understand, and it makes me a teeny bit queasy. Is this obvious to you and yours? Has technology left me in the dust? Does this have something to do with three-dimensional printing? It's early in the morning, or late at night-- Monday, April 6, 2015, 4:31:44 AM (This info, after the dash, came out in two clicks of the Date and time thing.) Seriously, I'm not techno-phobic, I mean, I don't generally fear pictographs.
If someone out there in cyber-land knows about this Insert object thing, please explain. Thanking you in advance. I'm sure I'll be less fearful as the new day dawns. Does this have to do with the hour?
Anyway-- hoo-hah!-- there's Duke v. Wisconsin tonight, that'll be fun. It's now 4:52 and i'm already forward looking. And drowsier than, y'know, back in 4:31.
After the fact, misc notes: when I put this into the blogger composing box, it told me by a squiggly red line that "technophobic" was incorrect, so I put a hyphen in it & all was well. However I did not agree with the squiggly line under "overlearning", so that stands. It's 5:47 and all is well.