Marjorie Maddox |
Marjorie Maddox will be performing her work at the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel reading series to promote her new short story collection What She Was Saying, available now from Fomite Press.
Maddox has published eleven collections of poetry including Weeknights at the Cathedral (WordTech 2006);Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation (2004 Yellowglen Prize); When The Wood Clacks Out Your Name: Baseball Poems (2001 Redgreene Press Chapbook Winner); Body Parts (Anamnesis Press 1999); Ecclesia (Franciscan University Press, 1997); How to Fit God into a Poem (1993 Painted Bride Chapbook Winner); and Nightrider to Edinburgh (1986 Amelia Chapbook Winner), as well as numerous essays in journals and anthologies.
This reading series' event takes place at the Midtown Scholar
Bookstore, 1302 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17102.
May 11. 7--9 pm. More information, 717.236.1680.,
What She Was Saying,
available now from Fomite Press