Sunday, December 27, 2020

change and changers couple


Excellent Climactics Coupled. With Essence of Deep stairwells 

Indian summers, enumerations. Angels, are you still mine? Lonely rivers flow to the sea. To the sea, coupled with essences of deep, resonant stair wells.

To all the empty tunes suspended in time, and the riviera. 

After changes upon changes this is the Poland Warsaw enumerative of the Beethoven Truth project, framed and filmed by the Susquehanna in late Summer 2010. What is the truth? Freezing bubbles and off-kilter sunsets. And why is everyone searching for freezing staccato and off-kilter baubles.  

Snowplows, delivery invocatios and tractor-trailers were among the numerous vehicles to get stuck in the heavy snow in Binghamton, New York. Heavy snow, Indian summer? Bombay, Pakistan. 

Calcutta, Craig Czury? Shiller and Shubert. Streets and curbing.

Paving; utilities; ...  writers, composers, a solitary seamstress, dressmaker, or tailor. Mmm. Mendelssohn.

Mendelssohn radiant. Titilates, radiates all the baffles near the vibrating Plaza. Good vibrations in point of fact. Vibes, vibes, vibes.

A sunny halo graces the sky because Kevyn Knox has thrown his hat in the ring.

Knox is running, with some vigor, to be mayor of Harrisburg, PA. Knox is the right man for the position. 

His constitio

ncy is abuzz. Tingling!

--mge, esworthy

Ars Poetrica [sic]

I love a charade. And fond memories of Malazina Snyder.

On occasion, I augment, or depart from traditional lyrical form to heighten tension, leading my interior self to declain in the patio area, if you will.

I love excellent climactic condtions coupled with deepstairwells and extended-intermission led versifiers, which provide a new world view  as well as surprisingly good acoustics. 

There was a time when I'd be was totally hovering above the line of authentic meaning, often called amateur-quakes or homemade porn (I jest), that I delighted in predicting them, foreshadowing their below-the iceberg power. 

Not simply their energy, but their converntrated synergies. The method I latticed into and around "Rim Shots" became pure energy release, quite rythmic in action. Pure.

I got rhythm. And I can spell it too, forward and back.

Elegant, deductionarily spraching.Very pretty but it seems odd to have the trees so regimented. Can you bake a pie?

Can you turn a poem into  a solvent for clogged sinks? 

mge, esworthy


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Happy Birthday Kali V!


 hOPE YOUR BIRTHDAY is a Special Event that vibrates throught the rest of all days.



Everything's waiting for you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mound Art Lives!

 Mound Art in America

Step one-- Mound Art theoretician 
Marty Esworthy considers the possibilities. 
Looking for form. Theorizes. 

I mean, the Appian Way wasn't built in a day. --z.k.

Mound art ain't easy. But it's fulfilling. It's outdoor work.
     You start with the raw material and landscape.

It's mainly about shape and form and moving earth, gravel and other foundations into a pleasing form 
that continues to grow with grace through wind and rain, heat and cold. You work with Mother Earth
and try with work in harmony with the surrounding landscape. You sculpt and shape with natural elements
whenever possible. 
You start with your concept and work with the good earth and that's what makes America great.
Work quickly before the oceans boil over. For real. Y'know life ain't easy for a boy named Sue.

Way back when, large earthen monuments were built by Native Americans, often in the shapes of animals...  

On the Watson Brake mound complex on the west side of the Ouachita River approximately twenty miles south of West Monroe were found eleven mounds constructed in a circular pattern, with each mound being connected by a low manmade earthen ridge. 

The Watson Brake mounds are the oldest known human construction in the entire Western Hemisphere. Watson Brake, in fact, is older than the Egyptian pyramids and England’s Stonehenge.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember the Pandemic....

It has come to the attention of the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel that     
     a "compassionate listening non-profit" has launched a website that hopes to act as a digital library to remember the pandemic. People can submit stories, poems, and articles for publication. interested in publishing your pandemic poetry, sharing your story? Check it out.
Interact with a world of literature outside your own 'hood.

Step outside your boundaries. Live, love, laugh & be happy!
You don’t have to be sad or isolated to write poetry or to smash out of your writer's block. Just do it.
I mean, heck, you don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's.

Life could be a dream. Send them something, if you like.
come, read on thursdays at our home on zoom. 
read out loud. share with the world.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Zoum into cyberspace for congeniality and the sound of verse in early Spring

Open Poetry Mic,  April 2, Zoom

Okay, listen up.

Sound in poetry:
in ordinary listening, one responds
to the speaker's intention without attending overmuch
to shape and presentation.

In poetry-- with its double coding-- both sound and sense
are important, and the two are processed on different,
not necessarily, parallel tracks.

     Choo choo ch'-boogie! know I'm sayin'?

There'll be an open
mic, at Zoom, OlĂ©!
The Almost Uptown Poetry
Carter continually hosts
Thursday night (7--9pm)
verse events.

Come to Zoom.
Check our Facebook page for info.
Directions, etc...

                                                                                          We don't miss a beat.
                                  Indeed, we're constant as the Northern Star,
                  everything's waiting for you.

                No sign-up sheet.
                          It's Quaker-style-- read as the spirit moves you.

map: link addy ID: 896 869 666

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Open Mic, poetry cartel, 1421 N. 3rd, March 12!

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel hosts a near-mid-March open-mike poetry-performance-opportunity, March 12, 2020, 7 to 9pm at the long-running POETRY THURSDAYS-Cartel-reading-series,

Now, every Thursday, at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third. 17102.

 Second floor, walk in, walk up-- you're there! Yes, a place to declaim-- to tell it like it is. Jump in.

Everything's waiting for you.
Did I say, 7-9PM? More info: 717.695.9299.

Spring is nigh, summer's just around the bend. The oak-leaf hydrangeas are expected to be a brilliant snow-white this year.

------------------------check us out!------------------------

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Open mike poetry extravagaza, Feb. 27, Hertrich Fine Art

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel will be hosting PERFORM WORDS & VERSE, an open mike poetry extravagaza, Feb. 27, 2020 7 to 9pm. at the long-running POETRY THURSDAYS Cartel reading series now, every Thursday, at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third. 17102. Second floor, walk in, walk up. Don't tarry. Seating is limited.

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel hosts open readings every Thursday at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102 from 7-9PM. More info: 717.695.9299.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Poet Rick Kearns, with a little help from his friends, Feb. 20 at Hertrich Gallery

February 20, at Hertrich Gallery, 1421 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA, Rick Kearns will be featured, sharing from his new chapbook, Crow at the Lawson Hotel" with musical accompaniment from Patrick Murphy, Jennifer Millard, and John Catalano.

Kearns is a poet, freelance writer and musician of Boricua (Puerto Rican) and European heritage from Harrisburg, Pa.  He was named Poet Laureate of Harrisburg in January 2014. His poems have appeared in over 70 journals including The Massachusetts Review, The Painted Bride Quarterly, The Patterson Review, Yellow Medicine Review, Letras (lit review of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, NY) and Chicago Review.  His poems are in two books, five national anthologies, two international anthologies and seven chapbooks. Several works have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

He has given readings throughout the US since 1992. Kearns poetry is featured in "The Moon Rides a Black Horse" CD, combining his poetry and jazz performed by the Con Alma Quartet (with whom he collaborated between 2010-2014).

For almost 40 years trumpeter Patrick Murphy has played jazz, salsa, blues western swing, classical and flamenco (Cocina Flamenca)-- a heady mix of influences!

Camp Hill-based husband and wife duo, John Catalano and Jennifer Millard, met in 2009 and have been working together at music-making ever since.
John is a committed guitar teacher with a passion for classical, flamenco, folk, and finger-style music who has been composing and performing with musicians from all over the world for over many years.
Rick Kearns, at Italian Lake in Harrisburg

Jennifer is a talented vocalist and rhythm guitarist who brings stability and warmth to the mix with her innate sense of timing and tempo.
The gig-- February 20, at Hertrich Gallery, 1421 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg,(17102) will run from 7--9pm. Come early, seating is limited.
More information, 717.695.9299.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Poetry Thursdays, February 6, hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel

Poetry every Thursday, every week, every month. 

Open mic, February 6, Hertrich Fine Art,
1421 N. Third, Second Floor. 17102. Step up.

Poetry Thursdays, hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel for 20 years
and counting. Read out. Hear new rhythms, new words.

Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third, Second Floor. 17102. Step up.
Now's the time to share your words-- everything's waiting for you.

 Keep involved in the new year. Another month--
so one more once: 1421 N. Third. 7 to 9pm. 717.695.9299.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Open Mic, Poetry Thursdays, January 23

Poetry every Thursday, Poetry Month, every month. 
Open mic, January 23, Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third
Second Floor. 17102. Step up.

Poetry Thursdays, hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel 
for 20 years and counting. Read out. Listen to new rhythms. 
New words. Immerse yourself in the Arts. Get involved in a new year.

January's a great time to share your words-- turn 'em loose, 
shout 'em out. 

Everything's waiting for you. 
1421 N. Third. 7 to 9pm. 717.695.9299.


Rick Kearns, Harrisburg's poet laureate will be featured
performing his verse, with musical augmentation, on
February 20, at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third Street,
Harrisburg, 17102.
This event will be hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry
Cartel. More details, as soon as they become available.


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Open mic, Poetry Thursdays, January 16

Poetry Thursdays, Hertrich Fine Art
January 16th: there'll be an open mic at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421, North Third, 17102.

Nestled between the neon of TEN TOES Shoes and Dalicia, a fine bakery, you'll see a door leading to poetic warmth and congeniality.
Open the door which will make a congratulatory beep and truck upstairs, put a little verse in your life. You'll be the better for it.

The Poetry Cartel's renowned reading series happens every Thursday evening at 1421 N. Third. There's always an open mic, It's Quaker-style. No sign-up sheet.
Perform or listen, enjoy yr warm & cozy January-- it's all good. Everything's waiting for you.

Hosted by Marty Esworthy and the ever encouraging Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Open Mic, January 16

Poetry Thursdays, Hertrich Fine Art
December 19th: there'll be an open mic at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421, North Third, 17102.

So, if you're coming down Reily from the highlands, make a sharp left on Third Street. Park as soon as it's cool.
Look across Third, nestled between the neon of TEN TOES Shoes and Dalicia, a fine bakery, you'll see a door leading to poetic warmth and congeniality.
Open the door which makes a congratulatory beep and truck upstairs, put a little verse in your life. You'll be the better for it.

The Poetry Cartel's renowned reading series happens every Thursday evening at 1421 N. Third. There's always an open mic, It's Quaker-style. No sign-up sheet.
Perform or listen, enjoy the warm & cozy-- it's all good. Everything's waiting for you.

Hosted by Marty Esworthy and Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.