Poetry every Thursday, Poetry Month, every month.
Open mic, January 23, Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third,
Second Floor. 17102. Step up.
Poetry Thursdays, hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel
for 20 years and counting. Read out. Listen to new rhythms.
New words. Immerse yourself in the Arts. Get involved in a new year.
January's a great time to share your words-- turn 'em loose,
shout 'em out.
Everything's waiting for you.
1421 N. Third. 7 to 9pm. 717.695.9299.
Rick Kearns, Harrisburg's poet laureate will be featured
performing his verse, with musical augmentation, on
February 20, at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third Street,
Harrisburg, 17102.
This event will be hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry
Cartel. More details, as soon as they become available.