Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Open Mic, poetry cartel, 1421 N. 3rd, March 12!

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel hosts a near-mid-March open-mike poetry-performance-opportunity, March 12, 2020, 7 to 9pm at the long-running POETRY THURSDAYS-Cartel-reading-series,

Now, every Thursday, at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third. 17102.

 Second floor, walk in, walk up-- you're there! Yes, a place to declaim-- to tell it like it is. Jump in.

Everything's waiting for you.
Did I say, 7-9PM? More info: 717.695.9299.

Spring is nigh, summer's just around the bend. The oak-leaf hydrangeas are expected to be a brilliant snow-white this year.

------------------------check us out!------------------------
