Saturday, April 25, 2020

Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember the Pandemic....

It has come to the attention of the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel that     
     a "compassionate listening non-profit" has launched a website that hopes to act as a digital library to remember the pandemic. People can submit stories, poems, and articles for publication. interested in publishing your pandemic poetry, sharing your story? Check it out.
Interact with a world of literature outside your own 'hood.

Step outside your boundaries. Live, love, laugh & be happy!
You don’t have to be sad or isolated to write poetry or to smash out of your writer's block. Just do it.
I mean, heck, you don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's.

Life could be a dream. Send them something, if you like.
come, read on thursdays at our home on zoom. 
read out loud. share with the world.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Zoum into cyberspace for congeniality and the sound of verse in early Spring

Open Poetry Mic,  April 2, Zoom

Okay, listen up.

Sound in poetry:
in ordinary listening, one responds
to the speaker's intention without attending overmuch
to shape and presentation.

In poetry-- with its double coding-- both sound and sense
are important, and the two are processed on different,
not necessarily, parallel tracks.

     Choo choo ch'-boogie! know I'm sayin'?

There'll be an open
mic, at Zoom, OlĂ©!
The Almost Uptown Poetry
Carter continually hosts
Thursday night (7--9pm)
verse events.

Come to Zoom.
Check our Facebook page for info.
Directions, etc...

                                                                                          We don't miss a beat.
                                  Indeed, we're constant as the Northern Star,
                  everything's waiting for you.

                No sign-up sheet.
                          It's Quaker-style-- read as the spirit moves you.

map: link addy ID: 896 869 666