Now & Again/ That [or as] Summer is Nigh
& zo, she asks:
Without tail nor head, DOTT reports the history of two tentacles (!) become intelligent under the influence of an experiment of an insane professor, which to save the world sends to you in time through temporal toilets... Result, one buys a diamond for the poor gift in premium, one paints oranges in red "to create" a cherry tree, one adds the advertizing "any citizen must have a Marty vacuum cleaner in his tiny room" with the American Constitution and one filled dry a linen of parts so that it functions 50 more years in order to have a hot sweater later to heat a hamster frozen in the past...
he sez:
the Marty vacuum cleaner. A early sculpture I made
that was so elegant in design that, well, heck!
it was, like, a no-brainer for the damn suits
to make a functional copy & market it to the masses.
I mean, i was young & it was summer....
and-- here's the story to date:
Sans queue ni tête, DOTT relate l'histoire de deux tentacules (!) devenue intelligentes sous l'influence d'une expérience d'un professeur fou, lequel pour sauver le monde vous envoie dans le temps à travers des toilettes temporelles... Résultat, on achète un diamant pour le cadeau minable en prime, on peint des oranges en rouge pour "créer" un cerisier, on rajoute la pub "tout citoyen doit avoir un aspirateur Marty dans son réduit" à la Constitution Américaine et on rempli un sèche linge de pièces pour qu'il fonctionne encore 50 ans plus tard afin d'avoir un pull chaud pour réchauffer un hamster congelé dans le passé...

he sez:
This is a prototype I made during my undergrad years
which I sold to French industrial barrons for a Big Mac
& some fries. Large, mais oui. The photo is a little blurry
as it was taken with an old Brownie in my dorm room.
& she sez:
Didn't they market that with the slogan
"tout citoyen doit avoir un aspirateur Marty dans son réduit"?
Hey, it's a fine piece. I mean 60 million Frenchmen can't
be wrong. I sure hope you got some percentage in yr deal.
p.s. Here's a mound sculpture which might interest you:
and the beat goes on.
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