That's life. Wha? I... began to lose my balance. People were sitting, swaying almost imperceptibly, on benches and blankets on the grass. Ears cocked. Strange breezes from Buenos Aires were insinuate.
Some of them listen/ed to portable radios. Time travels. Radio waves disappeared like print newspapers.
Like tales of shivering on another plane, another dimension~ 'cause you only packed a windbreaker, or something insubstantial.
You got to move! In this sierra, sherpas are starting to lean towards orchestrating a parade around you and marching down the avenue, batons in hand. The breeze and I. Time, time/ marches.
If these metaphors are lost on you-- listen up-- Hayakawa will guide you through levels of abstraction seldom seen outside Argentina.
Literally. Nobody wants a wallflower. I hate to break it you, but it’s true, And there is a samba in your face. Monoxide. Asphalt on the side, a cloud of danger.
Sensors may shudder when somebody pushes the gale button, but/ truth is, people like to have their sierra shaken up a bit. They want their buttons pressed. People want to be wowed by what they see, like when Diego skate-boarded the Queen Mary on a photograph. Awesome sauce! Surround-sound.
Kandinsky... Kandinsky sez colors don't keep to themselves. They blend. They shimmer, they move toward the light-- that, that glow of Appalachia.
Poignantly, now or later, one of the oldest lawns in the Caucasia gleams with dewdrops, white rain, and one/ menacing mirage. Yeah. Las brisas raras. And one menacing/ mirage.
Almost/ heaven.
Oba, oba!
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