Friday, December 20, 2019

Am I blue?
I wandered lonely as a tourist. I mean you got to move, know I'm sayin'?.

Heading North-- past a parade of stores including a lower-than-street level cafe, there was a shop called Bok & Paper and another called Glas & Porslin. Cool.

I'm told by adventurous daredevils that it is more than interesting to row underneath the tunnel of the central Faraglione.

Sometimes the waters along the dark, rocky sides have almost the same reflection as the Kandinsky grotto.

You can't beat that with a stick. At the end of the parade of shops is a restaurant and numerous & sundry large, colorful balloons pulled by Alaskan huskies. A bit visually disorienting for yours truly.

But, hey, the food looks good and the weather is so clear I can see every snowflake individually, and even the gravy bowl to the East shines like "a beacon in a bonnet (old saw from Fibber Mcgee & Molly)".

During the hazy summer, there was an awning over the window which made me feel I was seeing the view through a letter box. Ach du Lieber!

My baby sent me an air mail.


  It's a blue world without Wassily.


December 19: an open mic, Poetry Thursdays, Hertrich Fine Art

December 19th: there'll be an open mic at Hertrich Fine Art, 1421, North Third, 17102.

So, if you're coming down Reily from the highlands, make a sharp left on Third Street. Park as soon as it's cool.
Look across Third, nestled between the neon of TEN TOES Shoes and Dalicia, a fine bakery, you'll see a door leading to poetic warmth and congeniality.
Open the door which makes a congratulatory beep and truck upstairs, put a little verse in your life. You'll be the better for it.

The Poetry Cartel's renowned reading series happens every Thursday evening at 1421 N. Third. There's always an open mic, It's Quaker-style. No sign-up sheet.
Perform or listen, enjoy the warm & cozy-- it's all good. Everything's waiting for you.

Hosted by Marty Esworthy and Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 12, Open Mic, @Hertrich Fine Arts' Poetry Thursdays

An open mic, December 12,
from 7 to 9pm, Hertrich Fine Art

Check it out, listen, enjoy
share with vigor. Poetry Thursdays, December 5th. 1421 North 3rd Street,
Harrisburg, PA. Listen to bold poetry, or, jump in-- read your own work, share your favorite poets. I mean, it's December, anything's possible. Everything's waiting for you. This event's hosted, as always,
by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.
Our legendary well-traveled reading series is now at Hertrich Fine Art. (717)695-9299. We're located smack between TEN TOES' neon sign, and Dalicia's Bakery. Come early, check out the bakery, it's open till 7pm.


Poetry Thursdays, Hertrich Fine Art, 1421 N. Third St. 7 to 9pm. Poetry Cartel hosts.
Everything's waiting for you.

------WHERE, Between Dalicia and TEN TOES Shoe-shop neon----

Okay, you found 1421-- sit on the red bench, if you like,
take a deep breath. Then open the door,
(it'll make an alarm noise.)
So what. Shuffle the somewhat daunting stairs.
Stumble into a seat. (And act natural.)

WELCOME, you found us,
and, hey, It's all good.
Entrance: the door between Dalicia and TEN TOES' neon

* * * * *

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Open poetry reading, December 5, Hertrich Fine Arts, Poetry in the new world

Poetry Thursdays. December 5, There'll be an open mic.
7 to 9p.m. As open as
an open mic can be.
     December open mic: cool, merry. With bite.

C'mon out-- make a splash,
   share with vigor!
   Poetry Thursdays, December 5th.
1421 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA.

Listen to bold versifying or,
jump in-- share your own work,
cover your favorite poets.
Whistle a happy tune. I mean,
it's December, anything's possible.
     Everything's waiting for you.

This event's hosted, as always, by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel. Our legendary well-traveled reading series
is now at Hertrich Fine Art. (717)695-9299.
We're located smack between TEN TOES'
neon sign, and Dalicia's Bakery.
Come early, check out the bakery,
it's open til 7pm.

                          Poetry with Verve. Photo credit: Marty Esworthy
